I’m going to GoFest

I go to the gym a lot. It keeps me sane, fairly fit and equally importantly means I can eat more chocolate.

I’m very active.  I walk whenever possible and generally keep busy throughout the day.  I wear a fitness monitoring band and my average step count is 20,000 + a day. I join random fitness challenges and because I’m always on the go, I sit happily at the top of the table. However being non competitive this actually doesn’t bother me either way, it does mean though that I get messages from random internet folk calling me a machine.

Now that I like!

My friends and I all love a Fitness event, we get to have fun in our favourite classes and activities and try new ones too, often with comical results.

The events however whilst giving us time to unwind take us away from our families and  leave the daddies holding the fort.

I was recently asked if I would be interested in trying a new fitness event; GoFest aimed at active families…

Ooh I might be.

Taking a closer look I was impressed with the range of activities on offer, plenty for us all to try from team games, competitive sports, kayaking, diving, martial arts, a whole heap of fitness classes and even climbing – I so want to try climbing, as you may remember it’s not my forte!

Then I spotted it.

Ok, I confess I was looking for it.

Oh yes!

Body Combat.

Ooh and Body Step too. We don’t get that in out local gym but we’ve recently tried it.
It’s ace and we totally rocked it, in a totally uncoordinated, novice kind of way.

Do we want to go? Of course we do!

Held at The Surrey Sports park from the 10th – 12th July, the venue will be divided into different zones for different activities such as GoBike, GoBat, GoKids, GoChill – for yoga and a chance to wind down, GoDance, GoToddle – a creche area for those little ones to have fun with some craft and activities…hmm can I pass my guys off as 3 year olds? 😉 And, get this. GoCool – where you can even try skiing on real snow. In July! Quite cool that – no pun intended!

If you are interested to find out more you can visit the site here.

Now it’s the important job of choosing the activities for the day, needless to say I’ll be getting my Combat on.
I’ll be the one at the front that looks like a ninja!

8 thoughts on “I’m going to GoFest

  1. It’s like they created an event just for you guys! How kind. Hehe. It sounds fab, I hope you have a wonderful time.


    1. Ha! There are also the odd days of course when I fail to get 5000. The best days are the busy ones though! Will be interesting to see how many I get at GoFest.


      1. My worst day was when I went to Dubai Mall and walked for HOURS and realised that the fitbit died…I was FURIOUS! I am sure I racked up a lot of steps and they are now lost forever! I will be intrigued to see how many you get at GoFest – it really sounds such a fun event, they definitely had you guys in mind!!


  2. That sounds awesome!!!!! Very cool!! I have a fitbit and while I have hit 20.000 before…..it’s not a very frequent occurrence. My daily goal is 12,000 but (unless I’m being lazy) i trend around 15,000!) My goal is to someday hit 30.000+

    Body combat sounds awesome! I hope you are able to pick and choose what you want without too much stress and dilemma!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve hit 40,000 before but that was on one of my big training walks. It’s hard to get really big distances when you have the kids about I find. You must be on your feet a lot at work I’m sure, all those little people to run around after! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 40,000! So jealous! Maybe someday! We are talking about a no kids camping and hiking weekend to do everything we can to hit that 30,000 goal!!! As for my daily goal….I’m on my feet all day. I only sit when we read stories or when I help do work sheets or art. Lol!


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