Muddy Musings

Nope. Your eyes do not deceive you.

The muddy one blogs once again. Sorry world. πŸ˜‰

Admittedly it’s been a while. The dullness and tedium of everyday life and a whole heap of business admin to catch up on, leaving little time for fun and frolics, let alone blogging.

January has passed by in an absolute blur, seriously where did it go? Then finally, today, a day of leisure at last. A chance to kick back with one of my favourite people and exchange Christmas presents…I told you it has been busy! 

A meeting arranged at Anglesey Abbey, mutually convenient, a lovely place to visit, and more importantly with a cracking selection of cake.

Another thing this superb location has to offer is geocaches, a trail set around the vast gardens. I’ve found the rest before but had sensibly saved one for just such an occasion. 

Arriving early in order to make the find before meeting my friend, I was somewhat surprised by the amount of cars in the car park. Then I realised why. Something else the property has an abundance of; Snowdrops!

More than 300 varieties of them in fact, and people flock to see them. I don’t get flowers, (No, not because we’ve been married for flumpteen gazillion years.) I just don’t get what all the fuss is about. Anyway, I shall not judge, I’m the one who is there to search for Tupperware in the bushes…I’m well aware who is the weird one. πŸ˜‰

Dodging the crowds I made a beeline for where the cache was hidden. A quiet spot near the Jacobean-style house itself. A quick find, but I couldn’t help but marvel at the almost artistic arrangement of camouflage hiding the cache.

Ok, even I have to admit the snowdrops make for a good photo. 

So with the Tupperware hunting out of the way, back to pretending I’m completely normal πŸ˜‰ and time to dash back to the restaurant.

A happy reunion with my friend and Goddaughter. Presents exchanged, lunch consumed, life caught up on as we sit and eye up the cakes.

Putting a box on your head of course entirely optional. Once again I’m in no position to judge…

Then my friend suggests a walk. Of course I’d love a walk! In fact I know a snowdrop free zone quieter spot on the other side of the river. Off we go…

I should probably mention that this long cherished friendship was forged many years ago over the mutual love of ridiculously priced handbags. We shop ’til we drop, we city break – boy do we city break, but we don’t really walk. 


A lovely footpath away from the crowds of the Abbey, the views scenically rustic, and the mud plentiful. 

As you are well aware, I’m no stranger to the muddy stuff. Who knew it could be so amusing when your friend is a whole lot more dubious?!

Within minutes the plough pushchair was abandoned, with the non negotiable command that I would be the one pushing along the (slightlyπŸ˜‰) muddy path. A physical challenge for sure, but let’s not knock the added stability of a buggy in your hand – we all know my track record for staying upright! 



An amusing walk as we slid, squealed and (someone) grumbled about the mud. The beauty of friendship of course being that you can support and encourage each other laugh hard and torment them further… As if I would! 😁

So here’s to being to being back outdoors, to good times with old friends, but sadly with one failure. 

We never got cake. Turns out the crowds love cake even more than they love snowdrops.

24 thoughts on “Muddy Musings

  1. I would have started a riot and definitely put a box on my head in a sulk if I didn’t get cake! We did a daffodil walk similar to this last year – people coming from all over to get a glimpse. Not that we timed it right, still weren’t out. Good job M&S had them in abundance for a quid!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Those snowdrops provided you cover. If anyone asked what you were doing you could have said “just admiring the flowers, like everyone else”. Perfect! Welcome back πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A fine excuse, although I have perfected the art of nonchalantly standing in one spot, pretending to look at my phone, therefore only looking slightly (very) odd!


  3. Just read your post after telling the other half that I wanted to go on a snowdrop walk tomorrow! I don’t really do flowers in vases but I love snowdrops and bluebells as they mean spring and summer aren’t far away. Importantly, the place where I want to go tomorrow has coffee and cake too, making it the perfect break on our walk! I shall see if there are any caches nearby…..


    1. Oooh, I like the look of your blog afamilydayout. I used to follow a site similar to yours, familyroundabout I think it was called but seems to have disappeared from the internet.


  4. It’s nice to get chance to get out into the outdoors Clare. You start to forget it’s there. I’ve been out a couple of times, we seem to get 1 dry, sunny day a week at the moment and never at weekend, if you like sliding about in mud you could try our garden that’s like a swamp and on a steep slope too so you can ski on the mud with a jump at the end haha.


  5. Shame about the cake! I don’t mind mud but I geocache with my sister who avoids mud at all costs (she won’t even drive her car through mud) so you can imagine who has to look for the caches near any mud!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d genuinely forgotten that some people are so averse to mud, made for a rather amusing trip. Sounds like your sister has an excellent caching companion. πŸ™‚
      Let’s not mention the mud on my car! πŸ˜‰


  6. It took me long enough to actually finish reading the post. Apparently it’s my turn to be crazy busy MIA for a bit. Only a week-ish but still…

    It’s truly wonderful to have you back. I wasn’t getting my dose of muddyness with you gone and it was pretty sad! You were missed.

    I’m not much of a flower person too. I told hubby he got lucky…not a fan of flowers and fancy chocolates and I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s and Sweetest day since they are sooo commercial. Id rather get a fantastic view of flowers in nature verses in a vase!

    Glad you were able to be out and about and had a grand ole time!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I saw your and commented and started to read then…In came the boss… Next thing ya know I was soooo distracted….I forgot. 😦


  7. Glad to see your back – sounds like a good day out despite the mud and lack of cake 😦 I really must have a go at George-caching this year considering the about of time we spend on muddy walks πŸ™‚ have a lovely week – love bec xx

    Liked by 1 person

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